The staff of the Hamilton Area YMCA is committed to our mission that everyone, regardless of gender, income or background, has the opportunity to learn and grow at our Y. We use our talents, knowledge and abilities to provide support and promote positive change for people and families who participate in our programs and services every day.
Diana Zita Chief Executive Officer
Ryan Young Chief Operations Officer
Denise Wyers Chief Communications Officer
Kailin Vena Director of Member Experience and Wellness
Kathy Fessler Member Engagement Manager
Jess Muziani Senior Membership Representative & Wellness Coordinator
Jennifer Britton Senior Accountant
Janell Solarski Director of Payroll and Human Resources
Keleigh Szmauz Director of Staff Recruitment & Development
Nicole Bizuga Senior Aquatics Director
Rudy Turner Director of Youth Development & Camp
Erik Wiener Director of School Age Care
Nicole Ramon Assistant Director of School Age Care
Chelsea Sunkiskis Assistant Child Care Director
Stacy Derrico Program Office Manager
Gary Leonardo Sawmill Athletic Facilities Coordinator
Marvin Townsend VP Facilities
Tim Stolarz Maintenance Department